In 2010, many people will try to improve their their health and diet. The best advice is, keep it simple. For instance, author and food expert Michael Pollan has a list of ten food rules.
I reduced them as follows:
- Don't buy anything your great grandmother wouldn't recognize as food. That includes products with ingredients that cannot be found in an ordinary pantry.
- Avoid products that are pretending to be something they are not. Good food does not need health claims printed on its packaging. If it says heart healthy, lite, low-fat, or non-fat, put it down.
- It's best to shop at local farmers markets. If you have to shop at a supermarket, shop its outside aisles and not its middle.
I would also add that, if you eat meat, reduce your consumption of it to a level as Thomas Jefferson once did, as a condiment on your table.
To good heath and a better planet. Bon Appétit!
Image courtesy of the Antiadvertising Agency.
Good tips. Eating horribly is a multi-billion dollar industry in the U.S. Just look at all the places that sell cooked beef flesh and fried potatoes (and then we have the gall to call them Freedom Fries).