Friday, April 24, 2009

The Codger Returns

This feels new yet vaguely familiar, as I maintained a personal web site from 1999-2004 which included a daily journal. Sorry, kiddo, it was before they ever had these there bloggy-things.

Now the Old Codger is back in long as I can keep track of my glasses. My aim remains the same: to capture in words and pictures my daily life's more meaningful, humorous, or otherwise worthwhile moments. 

I hope this contributes to a greater sense of mutual understanding and community which is, after all, our only hope.

About this blog's name: Marquee Moon is the name of a favorite song from the influential 1970s New York guitar rock band Television. I like it, because it embodies many memorable nights for me spent prowling lower Manhattan in search of the best scene.

Sometimes I found it, but that's for another day...

Your attention to my blog gives me great pleasure, as do your comments.

1 comment:

  1. Most blogs have a short lifespan, but since you did this for five years before, I'm betting you'll be a stalwart. If you start feeling burn, just slow down and post once a week. But there is, indeed, something beautiful about expression, even if it gets you waterboarded. -- Goose
