In 2010, many people will try to improve their their health and diet. The best advice is, keep it simple. For instance, author and food expert Michael Pollan has a list of ten food rules.
I reduced them as follows:
- Don't buy anything your great grandmother wouldn't recognize as food. That includes products with ingredients that cannot be found in an ordinary pantry.
- Avoid products that are pretending to be something they are not. Good food does not need health claims printed on its packaging. If it says heart healthy, lite, low-fat, or non-fat, put it down.
- It's best to shop at local farmers markets. If you have to shop at a supermarket, shop its outside aisles and not its middle.
I would also add that, if you eat meat, reduce your consumption of it to a level as Thomas Jefferson once did, as a condiment on your table.
To good heath and a better planet. Bon Appétit!
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